Sunday, November 25, 2012

To the BOY

Thanks for the memories

Oh, and for the bracelet.



Sunday, November 18, 2012

the feet that walk around

I want the people to listen
to love me
I want them to scream 
that they noticed, 
I want them to scream 
that they understood.

How to be someone the people will notice

I want to tell you how to be noticed. How to be someone that the people will look at.
How to be a writer. I want to tell you how to have the world in your hands, but I don't know where to put my words. I don't know where every period should go and where all the commas were meant to be.

I can only try and tell you how to grab someone's attention. I can try and tell you to change your views and just write the way they've always wanted you to. I could tell you the key to success, but not really because I'm trying to figure that out on my own.

I'm trying to figure this out on my own.

Oh, you wanted to know how to make the people notice?

So do I

Monday, November 12, 2012


Heaven help me
Please find me a new family
they tell me not to throw any of yourself away 
but that's a b*tch & I know it
My body feels like a child's and maybe I'm changing my mind..
Maybe I'll just stand staring with my shoes in my hands
How many grown men would get that?
Everybody else would but them

So let's just drink our tea and confuse them
Let's go to the next space shuttle trip
Let's dream of us

Make The Words Disappear

I was born a writer
I'm going to try

 No matter how bad a storm is, we rise or fall

He was free
He had nothing, he had life
but not in the end

Sunday, November 4, 2012

I Remember Being A Kid...

I remember the first time you cried DAD. I remember the way you closed your eyes and danced with me around the living room. I remember the song playing in the background and how I was trying not to cry.

I remember the first time I made you cry MOM. & I am sorry for that. I remember the words I yelled and how you couldn't even look at me.

I remember our brown van we use to travel in. I even remember looking through the hole in the back and watching how fast we were going. I remember Jane throwing up every road trip. I remember the time she threw up all over my foot
    & how I was wearing flip flops.

I remember telling my sister that she was a mistake and the way I felt after seeing her heart drop. 

I remember the day my parents told me all their "secrets" and when they let me know they weren't perfect. 

I remember the phone call at the mall on my birthday & I remember the car ride right after. I remember the family coming over telling me everything will be okay. & I remember that it wasn't. I remember all the lies I had to tell myself and all the tears I couldn't hold in.

I remember when me and my brother shared a room; when I look back now it's hard to believe he ever loved me. & I remember when I used to steal his clothes and wear them to school because I liked them better than my own. 

I remember my first kiss and how gross it was.

I remember how I wet my pants all the time
    & how I was in middle school.

I remember being a kid and thinking that I would never grow up.

Dear Tooth Fairy, Santa Clause, & the Easter Bunny

Thanks for helping me believe that dinosaurs roamed the streets at night and that the fairies flew during the day. Thanks for helping me believe magic was pure magic and not something science could define. Thanks for all the pixie dust I would find on my birthday that helped me become a wizard.  Thanks for all the rocket ships I got to go on and all the new worlds I got to explore.

Thanks Santa for making me think that miracles only happened because your reindeers let them. & thanks for never giving me coal or putting me on the naughty list. Thanks for all the cookies you saved me in the morning and thanks for those left over carrots.

& thanks Easter Bunny for all the scavenger hunts you made me go on and thanks for all the new hide outs you let me find. Thanks for always letting me find the biggest prizes; I know you let me bet my sisters and brother on purpose because you liked me a little more. & to the Tooth Fairy thanks for all the money you gave me. Thanks for all the candy I bought with it and all the cookies I ate after. Thanks for handing my mom my teeth after, she really wanted to keep them. She always told me she asked you if she could keep them, thanks for always letting her. 

Thanks for never letting society tell me I was wrong. & thanks for never letting me down when the sun finally came up the next morning.