Friday, March 7, 2014


I saw a picture of you today.

You were standing right by me and we had smiles on our faces that convinced us of a little forever.

After that I saw another picture, and then another. 

I guess you really were my everything back then. You were my future and my present. You were my world and I was only your ocean. You were my Friday night and my Saturday mornings. You were my favorite sound and my most feared reality. 

You were more than one picture, you were 20. You were the moments where I couldn't help but smile because you were beside me with your honey brown eyes, and your straight smile.

In that moment you were there and you weren't going anywhere. Neither of us were thinking of an ending, we were thinking of the right now. Right then we were happy. We were exchanging kisses and hugs. We were holding hands while laughing in the car. We were talking about infinity without the commitment. 

We never talked about heartbreak or the what if's because I was too scared. You knew that, and suddenly you brought up all the what if's and the heart break. You brought up every question along the way you held in. 

You were confused while I was convinced. I was sure while you were wondering. I was happy while you were content. I was in love while you were still deciding. 

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