Monday, September 24, 2012

"I'm sorry remind me your name?"

Remind you?
I never told you.
I never even bothered to glance up.

Why is it that my name defines who I am and where I came from. Why should it define what reputations I had, or now have.

Within the first five second you have already made a judgement; just by the way I stood there. By my clothes. My hair. Trying to judge if I am a just another "copy."
Maybe this whole thing about "being different" is just being a copy from the first person who was the real original.
Maybe being a copy is the new original.

Maybe "being different" really should make a teacher, or a student, want to learn more.
Maybe being them isn't just about wearing "different" clothes.
Maybe there really is something crazy and unique about them.
Maybe they know how to put words in all the right places.
Maybe they are the creative ones thinking about the way we go day by day differently.
Maybe they're the kids who never let their mind get ruined by the rules of society.


  1. maybe being a copy is the new original. stole it.

  2. Love "Maybe being a copy is the new original."
    So I'm stealing it!

  3. Very good sir. I think I'll also steal that quote.

  4. You should be happy all these people are stealing from you

  5. I thought this was you until i realized that it wasn't. Get it? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  6. or maybe you need not to be a copy or an origional and be an unique

  7. "Maybe they're the kids who never let their mind be ruined by the rules of society." stole it.

  8. "Trying to judge if I am just another 'copy.'" Stole it.

  9. "Posted by Dr. Phil at 2:03 PM" Stole it.

  10. JK, Phil. You continue to amaze - Love the way you're approaching the subject. The beauty of thoughtful poetic analysis.
