Monday, October 8, 2012

& death wakes us up

"What if life is a dream and death wakes us up?"

My bones say I'm alive.
They tell me to escape and be free.
     That in the end I can't look back.
Everything will be okay my bones tell me.
We all die, my bones remind me.

My bones remind me that one day they'll stop speaking, whispering, yelling.

My bones are telling me to speak up.
They are hurting me. They want everyone to know what they're saying,
     what they're feeling.
I want to speak up, I really do I tell my bones. They ignore me.

My bones are telling me to try something new
     something courageous.
I tell my bones I'm scared. They won't listen.
I tell them I can't. They won't pay any attention.

My bones won't give up.

& my bones are becoming louder and louder
     they won't stop. They won't quiet down.
They keep telling me things..
My bones keep speaking.
Listen to me - to your heart. My bones said.

1 comment:

  1. I can't tell you how many times I've thought that I've been dreaming my life.
