Monday, October 15, 2012

The Title

Let me tell you about..

Something that is made up of ugly colors.
Something so heavy it helps build muscle.
Something so amazing it can break bones, windows, street lamps.
Let me tell you about something you trip on.
Something that helps you get writers brick block.
Something so simple it makes you wonder about life,
     makes you think a little different.
Something I use to imagine your death.
Something that thugs use to break in.
Let me tell you about something that made my heart race.
Something so simple we stack them to build buildings to the sky.
Something that looks like a stop light when you hold it a certain way.
Something that birds use as a house.
Let me tell you about a unique flower vase.
Something that helps build a strong foundation.
Something that can be used to celebrate, like confetti.
Something that helps me knock you out.

Let me tell you about